(California Fugitive arrested)...She was found in Mexicali. US Law Enforcement had tracked the woman to Pueblo Nuevo in Mexicali. The US authorities notified Mexicaliu law enforcement, and they made the arrest. The fugitive, 28 year old Chani Ching had been convicted of smuggling narcotics into the United States. She reportedly served 32 months of her sentence, before she escaped from prison. Following her arrest in Mexicali, Ching was turned over to US Authorities.

(Shot in the head)...It happened Tuesday near Seeley. The woman was in the ara of Jessup Road when she was shot. Her identity has not been released. She was taken to Pioneers Memorial Hospital in a private vehicle. The Hospital notified the County Sheriff's Office. Hospital personnel said the woman had been shot by Dove Hunters in the area. They said the woman's injuries were not life threatening, and she would survive. The Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident and they have not released any other information.

(IVC is continuing their tradition)...Despite the pandemic. The Associated Student Government at Imperial Valley Colleg made the decision to move forward with the annual event in a way that would align with social distancing guidelines. They will host a 9/11 Memorial Friday that will be displayed at the corner pf Old Highway 111 and Aten Road. The tribute will be up from 8:00 am Friday morning until 5:00 pm Monday evening. The memorial will be accessible from outside the campus. The ASG is asking the community to please not come onto the campus to visit the memorial. The campus is still closed to the general public. Parking is available along Aten Road to allow visitors to vi9ew and pay their respects.. ASG President Jorge Silva the public is welcome to bring flowers, balloons, decorations and posters, or any such items to the memorial and take pictures. The memorial will consist of a display of flags, decorations and posters with the names of the victims of the 9/11 attacks. The public is asked to practice social distancing and wear a mask while visiting the site.

(2020 Census)...There are only a couple of weeks left. The Census ends on September 30. There are still many heads to be counted. It is very important that as many residents as possible are counted in the Census. It makes the difference in state and federal funding for the County of Imperial. The Census can now be filled out at a Branch of the County Library. The US Census Bureau is accepting completed census documents online. County Library Branches are available in Calipatria, Heber, Holtvillke and Salton City. To fill-out the Census online, make an appointment by calling a County Library Branch near you.

(Virtual 911 Memorial Ceremony)...NAF El Centro will hold the ceremony Friday.

(Death toll increases)...After holding steady for almost a week.
