(The Brawley City Council Meets Tuesday evening)... The meeting convenes at 5:30 pm.
The council will receive the fiscal year 2024/2025 General Fund Mid-year budget report and they will be asked to approve the budget amendments. They will be asked to approve the Professional Engineering Services Agreement to design the Library HVAC and window replacement Remodel. They will discuss and be asked to approve the street closure for the upcoming Nuestra Raices Car Show. They will be asked to approve the sale of alcohol and waiver fees for the Chamber of Commerce Imperial Valley Taco Festival on Friday May 2. The council will discuss and possibly take action to Award Specification for the purchase of Rock and Asphalt Products, Asphalt Cement Concrete and other miscellaneous Street Products to Masters Construction and Aggregate Products Incorporated. The City Council will meet in their chambers on Main Street in Brawley.