(County Supervisors meet Tuesday)...The Board will begin the meeting by adopting a resolution.

The resolution will honor Kevin J. Spieler for his 37 years of dedicated service to the County of Imperial. The afternoon session begins at 1 pm with public comments and Board member reports. There are two action items on the agenda. One will be a resolution for a declaration of a State of Emergency for the compromised integrity of the Picacho Road Bridge over the Yuma Main Canal. The second item is a Budget Amendment Resolution in the amount of $5 million. A Public Hearing is scheduled for 2 pm. The hearing will be to consider the approval of amendments to the Conflict of Interest Codes for school and special districts and county department including the Imperial County Office of Education, Imperial Community College District, Calipatria Unified School District, Heber Elementary School District, Palo Verde County Water District, Imperial County Executive Office and Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights and Measures.