County Public Health releases an update)...It is the Heat related illness update.

Heat related illness so far this summer has increased. There have been 18 Heat Exhaustion cases reported. There have been 9 cases of Heat Fatigue or dehydration reported for a total of 27 Heat Related illnesses. That is an increase of 3 from the last report. There have been no heat related deaths in Imperial County. Residents are reminded, in the extreme heat, always wear light loose fitting clothes if you must go out doors. Before going out know where the Cool Centers and Hydration stations are located. The list can be found on the Public Health website. Stay Hydrated and limit your time out doors to as short as possible. If you work outside, take breaks often and in the shade. Again, stay hydrated. Never leave a child unattended in a vehicle. Check on your neighbors, especially if they are elderly, or very young.