(June Activities at Pioneer's Museum)...Several activities are planned, and they are free.

They start Saturday with the Fiber Art Expo. The event offers exhibits and hands-on activities from 10 am until 2 pm. they will have free shaved ice from 11 am to 1 pm. On June 6th they will host remembering world war 2. Remembering The Greatest Generation on the anniversary of D-Day It starts at 6 pm. On June 10th they will feature Museum Mondays; Warhol's Carrots. It offers free painting workshop inspired by Artist Andy Warhol and Holtville's Icon It is for kids 9 and up, and requires pre registration on Eventbrite. Itr will be held from 10 am to 12 pm. On June 17th they will feature Masks and Puppets for kids of all ages. On June 24 they will feature Earth and Space. Contact the Museum for more information.