U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at the Imperial and San Diego Counties ports of entry were very busy this past weekend. Officers intercepted an estimated 808 pounds of narcotics with a value of almost $2.8 million. Of the drugs seized there was 402 pounds of methamphetamine , 344 pounds of marijuana , 55 pounds of cocaine and 7 pounds of heroin. A total of 19 wanted fugitives were also intercepted by CBP officers. Those arrested were wanted for crimes such as larceny , assault and dangerous drugs among others.

It's Cesar Chavez Film Night and Art Gallery at Calexico Carmen Durazo Cultural Arts Center.

Yuma Fire Department personnel were busy early Monday with several arson fires.

The Viet Nam / Global Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9305 is sponsoring a Welcome Home Viet Nam Veteran's ceremony.

El Centro Police are investigating a burglary reported early Sunday morning.

Multiple agencies responded to a structure fire last Friday morning.
