(State releases new numbers)...They indicate the importance of being vaccinated.

The numbers were released by the California Department of Public Health. They say vaccinations prevent nearly all COVID 19 related hospitalizations and deaths. According to new data, out of 20 million fully vaccinated Californians, only .003% contracted COVID 19 and required hospitalization. The state Public Health Department is reminding unvaccinated Clifornians that the COVID 19 vaccine is safe, free and provides excellant protection from severe COVID 19 illness, hospitalization and death. They say out of 20 million vaccinated individuals, only 584 people contracted COVID 19 and required hospitalization. They say the data and science clearly demonstrate vaccines are highly effective at preventing serious illness and death from COVID 19, including the Delta variant. Doctor Mark Ghaly, California Health and human services secretary says as a father and pediatrician, he urges all eligible Californians to get vaccinated, to not only protect themselves, but the children in their lives and in their communities who are not able to get vaccinated. He said the data is clear, nearly all new COVID 19 hospitalizations and deaths are preventable