The Imperial Irrigation District has responded to the U. S. Supreme Court's denial of Michael Abatti's Petition for Writ of Certiorari.

According to the IID Board of Directors President James Hanks , " The Supreme Court's determination not to take up the case brings to closure to this dispute and clarifies certain misunderstandings about IID's water rights. IID has always agreed that agricultural water users in Imperial Valley have a legally enforceable right to service by the district."

The Fourth District Court of Appeals , in July of 2020 . concluded that agricultural water users within the district possess an equitable and beneficial interest in the district's water rights , which is appurtenant to their lands , and this interest consists of a right to water service. The Appeals Court also held that the district retains discretion to modify service consistent with it's duties to manage and distribute water equitably for all categories of users served by the district. The Supreme Court's decision ends litigation that began in 2013.