(Preparations For Cattle Call).....Cattle Call is held in November. Thge theme for 2024 is Rodeo Glory, American Story..

The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Brawley and One World Beef present this year's event. It starts November 2 with the Chili Cook-off and Rib Contest. It starts at 5 pm at Plaza Park. There will also be a flavor packed showdown, plus a Dia De Los Muertos Celebration with live music and a Catarina Contest. The Cattle Call Mega Mixer will be held November 4. Mariachi Night will be November 6 starting at 5 pm at Plaza Park. The early morning Chuckwagon Breakfast fundraiser starts at 5 am on November 9 at Plaza Park. Also on November 9 will be Cattle Call Parade at 9 a.m. Rodeo Performances at Cattle Call Arena will be November 8, 9 and 10.