(The General Election will be held November 5th nationwide).... Local City Council races are almost set.

The Candidate filing period for many city council races were extended until August 14th. No official candidate lists have been released. In Calexico there will be 3 full term seats and two short term seats to be filled. The short term seats were created by the recent recall of two City Council members. Incumbent Gloria Romo has decided to not seek re-election. The list for full term seats includes incumbents Javier Moreno and Camilo Garcia, Appointed incumbent Victor Legaspi and challengers Lorenzo Lencho Calderon, Joong Kim, And the two recalled City Council members Raul Urena and Gilberto Manzanarez. Candidates for the short term seats include Morris Reisen, Appointed incumbent Lisa Tylenda, Diana Nuricumbo and Lee Sepulveda. These lists are not official, and could change once the County Elections Department releases the official lists.