(Calexico held a budget workshop Thursday evening)...It was held in the City Council Chambers.

The workshop was designed to have department heads to report on their individual budget process and the needs of each department. The City Council was not scheduled to take any action. The purpose was to provide the public information on the budget process and let them be a part of the process. Not many took advantage of the offer.. At its Hight there were only about 10 members of the public at the workshop. One of them was recently recalled City Council member Raul Urena. Urena spoke several times to blame the Current City Council for the poor turn-out, and to chastise them because not everyone made their comments in Spanish. The Mayor once admonished Urena to keep his comments on topic. The former City Council member dared the Mayor to stop him from making his comments, and threatened to sue the City if he did. The workshop ended at around 8 pm.