(Calexico City Council fills vacancies)...They held a special meeting Tuesday.

The meeting was to review the 10 applications submitted to fill the two vacancies on the Calexico City Council. The vacancies were created with the recall of Raul Urena and Gilberto Manzanarez. The Council Tuesday went over the applications and interviewed the applicants. Mayor Camilo Garcia then made a motion to appoint Victor Legaspi to fill one of the vacancies. The motion was seconded by Gloria Romo. The motion was approved. Romo then made a motion to appoint Lisa Tylenda to fill the other vacancy. That motion was seconded by Garcia. That motion was also approved. Legaspi and Tylenda will serve out the terms left by Urena and Manzanarez. Both terms expire in December.  Both appointees could run for a full term in November.